Tuesday 29 September 2015

Contribution to ASK Studio's production

Pre production:

-Ashlee and I came up with basic idea and from that Keeghan further developed it along side the original idea to come up with The Reckoning Fallacy.

-Because Ashlee and I created the original idea she took the initiative to improve the brainstorm featured on our blog.

- I produced the treatment (link here: ASK Studios: Foundation Portfolio- Treatment (Shayla Wijohn-Gil...) fulling out the meanings behind our plot to add to our planning.

-Because I had already taken a more planning role I was able to delegate further tasks to the group, dividing the workload evenly, making film schedules (link for one example:ASK Studios: Foundation Portfolio - Filming schedule 1 July 201...), and ensuring we all had an input.

-Ashlee, knowing the plot well was able to deliver our essential timeline for our production from which I could develop the storyboard from.

-Keeghan then made the scrip and concept from the timeline.

-Ashlee and I originally created a Pintrest board as inspiration for the final props and costumes post which she created:


-Ashlee took the main burden of camera work being creative in areas where the audio decided not to work, such as on the wharf. This was because she had excellent camera skills from past experience out side of school.

-I was also lucky enough to have a go at filming during the classroom scene and on the wharf where Ashlee could not reach the camera.

-My main job was the director position, ensuring everything was not on ready to be shot but also ensuring that the shot incorporated everything we wanted and when a scene needed to be reshot. This was mainly because I could spot anything off shot quickly and deal with it as the others were occupied.

-Keeghan was the audio technician during the bedroom and classroom scenes where the audio was needed.

-We also created background voices and recorded Georgia's final line in post due to audio difficulties, all three of us were involved in this process:

Post Production:

-Keeghan took the main burden of editing in constant communication with myself, often consulting with Ashlee where possible due to her hospitalisation. It was decided that he should be in charge of the editing as he was familiar with editing in other, not school related, projects therefore he was efficient with what little time we had due to Ashlee's absence.

-After we all researched logos (link here to research: AS Media Coursework 2015: Logos: Logo Investigation Lionsgate’s logos Their first logo (1998) set the tone for many to come. This logo shows the symbolic l...). Ashlee created the bulk of the logo sequence whereby Keeghan got inspired to further develop it creating it's final appearance.

-I focused on spell checking and fine proofing the blog posts on our team's blog posts, e.g. when Ashlee did the location photos and meaning and I further added to it and proofed it (link here: ASK Studios: Foundation Portfolio- Location Photos (Ashlee Rimm...: Bedroom Cyber Scene When writing the script and designing the story board as a team we wanted to have a scene in our characters b...).

-I also made the credit sequence that Ashlee was meaning to do but could not, (link to that here: ASK Studios: Foundation Portfolio - Credit Sequence (Shayla Wij...).

1 comment:

  1. Much better. Also make sure a more "fleshed out" version of your personal contributions is on this blog! (I'm about to check the Older Posts, hopefully I'll already see it quite logically and clearly assembled for me.) :)

    - T. Marcus
