Monday 30 March 2015

Preliminary Task: Creative Critical Reflection- Written format

Critical Reflection-

Question 1-
How does your product engage with audiences?

This production is very relatable, especially to those who have siblings and are often competing in games. Many people will be able to relate to the competitiveness of the two characters shown, thus making the production humorous. This is highlighted through the intense suspenseful music playing throughout the first half of the short film as the moment is portrayed as extremely serious but it is not which mirrors how siblings can take games very seriously even though they are not.

Question 2-
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skills were the lowest form of ammeter. During this creative project I learned how to correctly plan, direct and produce a short film. My eyes were opened to the extent of planning that must go into a film project. I learnt how to correctly set a scene complete with lighting. I grasped basic camera skills from setting up a camera tripod to remembering to press record when filming. I was able to put my leadership skills to the test when carefully explaining my team's vision to the actors and then directing them on what to do. The only facet that I was not able to at least dabble in was sound due to the lack of equipment.

Question 3-
How did you integrate technologies, software and hardwares in the project?

When editing this production Premier pro was used to edit all the cuts recorded on my groups camera. Due to the lack of sound equipment I had to be creative when adding sound to the production. I found that by layering different tracks (as seen is the last half of the production) the sound's quality improved and may seem more suitable then diegetic sound recorded on the day of filming.

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